Medical & Safety Disclaimer

The subjects covered in this course are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. If you have a medical concern to do with your pregnancy or your baby, please consult the appropriate healthcare professional immediately.

Nothing in this course will start labour.  There are two really important things that trigger labour, the first is the baby’s lungs being ready to breathe in oxygen and the other is feeling like you are in a safe space with lots of oxytocin being produced and your body being ready.  Yes, there are stories of things like inhaling Clary Sage and labour starting, or having acupuncture or reflexology and labour starting, but a lot of it doesn’t have solid scientific evidence.  This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be cautious with ‘labour staring/encouraging’ methods and not use them until 37 weeks.  Remember pregnancy is 37-42 weeks and due dates are highly inaccurate and should be held on to very loosely.

Essential oils

When using essential oils make sure you check the Latin name is the same as the one I have listed.  Avoid in the birthing pool/bath after waters have broken as whilst they are unlikely to do any harm, you want to keep the vaginal tract clear of anything that might impact on the baby’s exposure to the microbiome or to expose them to the chemicals in the oils.  The likelihood of them doing any harm is tiny, but they are going through a massive experience, so best not to expose their senses to anything additional.  So be mindful of how much you use them in active labour and the more progressed you are.  If you make a topical blend make sure you thoroughly wash off any essential oil mixes from the breast with water before feeding your baby or have skin to skin time.

Keep the oils in the fridge, and if you notice a change in smell, especially if it smells a bit off, it’s time to throw it away as it’s past it’s best.

When making up an essential oil mix in coconut or sunflower oil, use NO MORE than 3 drops of essential oil in 10mls of oil.  So if you wanted to just use Chamomile, you would put 3 drops in. If you wanted to make a combined mix of UP TO 3 OILS and no more, you would use one drop of each in 10mls.  Always do a skin test first – put a drop of the mixed oil blend on the inside of your wrist and leave for 10-15 minutes and check there hasn’t been a reaction.

When using the oils in a diffuser, use for up to 20 minutes in pregnancy/home labour, per hour. 

When using on a tissue, put just one drop and inhale a couple of times as and when needed.

With your baby, avoid use before 3 months and use one drop of essential oil in 10mls of base oil.  If you want to use a diffuser, use for up to 10 minutes per hour, and limit to 2 or 3 times a day.


Check no interactions with medications and safe for pregnancy & breastfeeding with your midwife/GP etc


The best advice is to only drink 1 or 2 cups of herbal tea a day but if you are drinking more because you are struggling with water, try not to have more than 4 a day. And do your best to have a variety of them, rather than just the same one, as mixing up the flavours and drinking different types of tea will make sure there is a variety of different nutrients going into the body. Don’t drink the same herbal tea continually throughout your pregnancy as that will limit the nutrients that your baby is exposed to as well as potentially cause a build-up of the same nutrients that isn’t great for you and could possibly tigger allergy in the baby.

As a general rule, choose teas that are made from fruits and herbs you would use in cooking.

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